
Are you starting to get the itch to do some home improvement projects? You can read books, watch videos, ask questions and learn from others as you start to make changes to your home. But if you鈥檙e a podcast listener, then there鈥檚 another way to learn about home renovation: listening to home renovation podcasts. These six popular podcasts are friendly, accessible guides to home improvement, helping you learn tips and tricks and having fun along the way, too. 

Fix It Home Improvement

covers DIY home repair tips, routines and products for home and garden. Co-hosted by Jacy Elsesser and Cindy Johnsson, the show also has that can help more visual learners. Some recent episodes include topics like floor maintenance in winter, painting a bathtub, preventing home fires, using a turkey fryer and replacing old deadbolt locks.

Young House Love Has A Podcast

is hosted by bloggers Sherry and John, who have fixed up five homes, written books and designed products. Though the last episode was released in late 2023, the archives are a treasure trove of hundreds of DIY projects and home updates for you to explore. After each episode you can also find photos, info and links for each project on the website. Recent episode topics include downsizing when you鈥檙e moving to a smaller home, getting more style at home with less stuff and the most fight-inducing DIYs out there.

The Money Pit Home Improvement Show

is the largest American syndicated radio show offering home improvement advice. Hosted by Tom Kraeutler and Leslie Segrete, it has a call-in format and aims to help listeners 鈥渢ackle your to-dos with confidence.鈥 The show also publishes . Recent episode topics include planting spring bulbs, building a backyard deck and determining if your drinking water is safe.

Fix It 101

From Mississippi Public Broadcast, is focused on DIY fix-it projects. The show鈥檚 hosts Lacey Alexander, Pam Pybas (an ASHI certified inspector) and licensed contractor Jeff Salmons help listeners with their home problems, with advice on whether to try fixing it themselves or call in the professionals. Recent episodes include pool maintenance, wood rot woes, dealing with pests and preparing for winter weather.

Reclaimed Audio

published their last episode in 2021, but their archive is worth listening to. Three guys from different walks of life hosted the show, which focused on taking items you already own but are thinking of throwing away and updating them to be used in a different way. Their goal was to reduce waste while cutting costs. Topics included recycling old guitars, updating vintage electronics and improving your satellite connection.

Let鈥檚 Talk Home Repair

Amy Ecklund, a contractor in Seattle, and Alicia Healey, a homeowner and avowed DIY鈥檈r, host , a podcast about home repair, remodeling and home appliance issues with a light heart and a good sense of humor. Recent topics include water heaters, painting cabinets, picture hanging tips and when to use primer.

Get Ready to Renovate

Podcasts are a great way to both educate and entertain. If you鈥檙e looking for DIY inspiration on-the-go, these home improvement podcasts are a great start. If you鈥檙e looking to make renovations to your home, make sure to reach out to your Farm Bureau agent to make sure you are properly covered during and after the renovation.

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